Granny Owl


Only Wholesome Lifestyle

I have always had a passion for helping others, mentoring, and just plain being a “Pollyanna” offering encouragement and positivity. After suffering for many years with health problems that just seemed to get worse instead of better, I decided to take things into my own hands. I have studied whole food nutrition, autoimmune diseases, healing protocols, and learned that doctors don’t always have all the answers. There may not be a magic pill, but there are options!

My mission is to encourage you. To give you hope. I share my experiences so you can learn from them and not have to spend years developing a healing game plan. I want to support you and be your accountability partner.

My wish for you is that as you read my blogs you will learn that you too can live your life fully, with passion and joy!



Founder of

My name is Kerry and I am a mother to 5 amazing adults and 4 grandchildren. I started this business because I have struggled with autoimmune disease for many years. It is a subject I have learned a lot about. I have lived with the symptoms, been diagnosed and treated with medications, and suffered greatly. I have also taken control of the disease and learned how to change my diet and lifestyle to reverse the symptoms.

In addition to nutrition, I have learned that stress can be managed in many ways. I am a graduate advanced rREST practitioner and as such, have learned to use cutting-edge technology to help release emotional blocks and limiting beliefs. This technique has allowed me to live my healthiest life to the highest potential.

My purpose and mission is to help as many people as possible learn that they can make choices that will truly help them.





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JOIN ME in my “life after kids” stage of life. I have discovered a new passion and a vibrant woman lurking beneath the surface all those years. I now want to live and play with purpose for the rest of my life! Sound like fun? Let’s build a tribe and live life with passion, purpose and lots of laughter! Life is just beginning! Every morning is a new start. Learn to make it the best day of your life.


What People Are Saying…


Erin Keam‎

I was really inspired talking to Kerry Smith about her story to wellness. I always believe that you should only take advice from people who have "walked the walk." Thanks Kerry, for your determination to help others like you have been helped. So glad to meet you!

Dr. Chris Cotner

Naturopathic Psychiatry, PLLC.

Kerry is a sincerely caring person who loves to help people be their best! You will benefit from her services!


Polly Tabares

MOD Skin and Body

I've known Kerry for nearly 4 years, she is such a dedicated and enthusiastic person. Passionate about helping others feel better and educating as many people as she can touch to eat whole foods."

Heather Townsend

Townsend Financial

Kerry is extremely passionate about whole food nutrition and teaching others about healthy living. If you are looking to make a positive change with your health I recommend Kerry.



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