Granny Owl

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10 Reasons to Grow Your Own Food In a Vertical Garden

Spring is coming!! Maybe not quite soon enough for those who like to garden and grow our own veggies though. We are advised to not plant seedlings until after the danger of frost is over. Depending on where you live, that can be as late as May!

I have had the joy of learning how to garden year round using a vertical garden that can be used outdoors and indoors! When the kids were little, we had a big vegetable patch in the backyard. It was a fun way to teach them about gardening, how seeds sprout and grow, and talk about the cycle of life.

The boys loved digging and turning the soil over. It was even fun for all of the kids to make the rows and plant the seeds or seedlings.

What wasn’t so fun was the weeding, watering, watching the slugs eat the produce before it was ripe enough for us to harvest it, trying to keep the aphids, earwigs, and other bugs away. We were excited if we got a couple of salads and a handful of carrots! Oh yeah, and someone had to go out to water the plants every day! Twice if it was hot!!

I must admit, I miss having fresh produce while we are on the road. I assure you, once we settle down in one spot for a while, I will be growing again. Not in a plot of land though. I will have that vertical garden set up next to the Airstream and I will be harvesting my salad, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, micro-greens, and who knows what else from right outside my door!

This is not mine, but I’ll have something similar soon!

Here are 10 reasons to grow your own food in a vertical garden:

1. FREE food!!! —it pays for itself in about 6-10 months with what you’ll save not buying produce at the grocery store.⠀⠀⠀

2. Less grocery shopping. Grow fresh produce & herbs all year round! ⠀⠀⠀

3. Farm-to-table taste! The produce tastes so much better than grocery store produce.⠀⠀⠀

4. Vine ripened, just picked produce from a vertical garden is much more nutrient dense than store-bought! ⠀⠀⠀⠀

5. No weeding! No dirt! Less pests! Minimal time spent growing and harvesting.

6. It produces 30% more yield on average, 30% faster than a traditional garden!

7. Self-watering and low maintenance. Your garden will water and feed itself while you are on vacation! ⠀

8. Use 90% less water and land than a soil garden— one way you and your kiddos can bring sustainability and environmentalism into the household conversation.⠀

9. It’s a fun way to teach your children about science and healthy eating by helping them plant a garden!

10. Kids will actually eat greens and veggies when they grow their own!

You can grow just about anything in a vertical garden. Here are some ideas of what I like to grow.

PS. If you want to know more about how to grow with a vertical garden contact me!